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Thames Water: Enhanced Process Control & Energy Savings in ASP's

Thames Water: Enhanced Process Control & Energy Savings in ASP's

November 12, 2021

Thames Water’s Beckton STW in East London is one of Europe’s largest wastewater plants, treating an average flow of 1,150,000 m3/d.

One of the activated sludge plants, ASP4, treating 30% of the site’s flow was identified to have process issues. Initial performance was disappointing and the decision was taken to modify the ASP under a “spend to save initiative” to optimise treatment and to reduce energy consumption.

The solution involved process changes by Thames Water and the installation of Hach's N-RTC system (real time nitrification control) measuring inlet and outlet ammonium concentrations and ensuring that the permit conditions were being met at least cost.

Results achieved
The complete solution improved the Ammonium removal rate from 5.3 to 3.8 kwhr/kg Ammonium equal to a 28% overall saving which amounts to approx. £0.5 million per annum and importantly a project payback period of just over 1 year.

Read the full story HERE
(published in the Institute of Water Magazine spring 2021 edition)

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