Software Update

Are you working with DR2800, DR3800, DR3900, DR5000 or DR6000 Spectrophotometer?

Bring your photometer up to date with a simple and free download.

DR Software Update Instructions:

  1. Choose the Software Download link for your instrument. Example: If you have a DR2800 Spectrophotometer, click ‘DR2800 Software Download’ Note: The download can take up to 1 minute.

  2. Click Open, when the following prompt is displayed: ‘Do you want to open or save this file? 

  3. Select all files ending with .gz Note: The number of .gz files varies between different instruments. 

  4. Copy all files with ending .gz to a USB flash drive. Note: Please do not unzip the single .gz files. 

  5. Select ‘System Checks’ in the main menu of your instrument. Then select ‘Instrument Update’. 

  6. Plug the USB flash drive into the USB port of your instrument. 

  7. Press OK. The software will be updated. Note: Please wait until the update is complete. This can take up to 10 minutes. 

  8. When the instrument software has been updated, a prompt to restart the instrument is displayed. Switch off your instrument. Wait at least three seconds and switch on again.

Your spectrophotometer is now updated.

Contact to find out more about our Photometer range.