RTC-SND Software Module

RTC-SND Software Module

Product Number: LXZ522 (A)

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How do you ensure aerated volume is sufficient for NH₄-N and Ntot compliance?

Unlike a plug flow system, carousel flow activated sludge systems perform nitrification and denitrification all in one treatment basin. Because DO levels fluctuate drastically from zone to zone, it is problematic to correctly place and interpret whether O₂ concentration points to an insufficient aeration process or an anoxic volume.

Rather than battle the ambiguity inherent in DO setpoints, Hach’s RTC-SND uses direct ammonium and nitrate measurements to assess aeration intensity and to control aeration and anoxic volume within the tank. Measuring NO₃-N sets safe minimum aeration to drive NO₃-N consumption as an oxygen source without releasing orthophosphate, while measuring NH₄-N allows a clear understanding of aeration intensity required to ensure the discharge levels meet user-defined setpoints. RTC-SND enables sites to prioritize between the two parameters, and to also specify a range of DO values so that aerators can activate/deactivate accordingly.

Claros Process Management solutions for nitrification/denitrification like RTC-SND are designed to make the most of your plant’s real-world conditions by transforming every uncertainty into an opportunity for measurement, responsive action, and savings.


Compliance at lower N levels

RTC-SND is a customizable solution that upgrades the performance capabilities of your existing treatment basins.

Overall process health improvements

Enhanced denitrification improves acid capacity/alkalinity recovery and minimizes denitrification/off-gassing in final clarification tank.

Enhanced settlement

Reliable maintenance of anoxic zones improve characteristics of MLSS and prevent the growth of filamentous bacteria.

Typical energy savings of up to 30%

Effective denitrification unlocks additional nitrate value, and requires less aeration energy than fixed DO methods.

Validated proof control

Use RTC-SND’s reporting features to document constant adherence to user-specified setpoints.
