RTC-P Software Module

RTC-P Software Module

Product Number: LXZ515

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How do you ensure your precipitant dosing rate matches your actual phosphorus load?

Basing your precipitant dosing feed rate on influent flow rate and day-old composite samples doesn’t adequately address surges and spikes in phosphate levels—yet your plant’s ability to capture phosphorus around the clock is key to permit compliance. Guesswork during chemical phosphate removal is risky: insufficient dosing results in an increased risk of permit violation, while overdosing wastes chemicals, unnecessarily reduces acid capacity, and increases the amount of sludge to be treated and disposed.

Instead, take control of chemical phosphate removal by monitoring flow rate, orthophosphate and/or total phosphorus in real time. Hach’s RTC-P and RTC-PSBR Software immediately respond to fluctuating conditions by creating transparency and delivering real-time phosphorus control to ensure compliance and increase process efficiency: the system can dose the precise amount of precipitant needed to keep the PO4-P concentration close to the specified setpoint. Real-time control mitigates the risk of phosphorus spikes beyond a permit reporting level, and ensures the optimal levels of chemical use and sludge production during normal operations.

Claros Process Management solutions for phosphorus removal like RTC-P and RTC-PSBR (tailored to the specific needs of plants with sequencing batch reactors) are designed to make the most of your plant’s real-world conditions by transforming every uncertainty into an opportunity for measurement, responsive action, and savings.



Compliance now

RTC-P doses just enough to meet your Total Phosphorus (TP) limit 24/7, no matter the conditions.

Direct fit

RTC-P is a customizable solution that works within your existing infrastructure.

Increased visibility

Understand your system’s current performance with a glance at the dashboard, or delve into the factors that affect your phosphate removal process by generating a historical report.

Compliance in the future

Meeting stricter regulations or seasonal setpoints is as simple as a change to your software settings.

Greater efficiency

No more overspending on precipitant, no more overproduction of sludge, no more elevated alkalinity demand to threaten your nitrification process.

The power of Hach’s real time controls (RTC) software is now hosted on the SC4500 controller. Take advantage of the potential energy, chemical and labor savings, from a simple and environmentally friendly solution.

