RTC-DN Software Module

RTC-DN Software Module

Product Number: LXZ521

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Could your denitrification process benefit from enhanced internal recirculation?

If your plant’s internal recirculation and/or carbon dose flow rates are underperforming, the ASP isn’t removing as much nitrate as it could be. It may be having to compensate for dissolved oxygen carryover that inhibits denitrification, resulting in disturbances to the sedimentation process.

Improve efficiency with Hach’s RTC-DN Software, which measures NO3-N concentration at denitrification discharge. Based on this measurement, the system then reacts by adjusting the internal recirculation and external carbon dosing. In the event that input signals for NO₃-N, N, DO or flow rate become unavailable, the system will automatically switch to a fallback strategy to protect compliance.

Claros Process Management solutions for nitrification/denitrification like RTC-DN are designed to make the most of your plant’s real-world conditions by transforming every uncertainty into an opportunity for measurement, responsive action, and savings.


Stable total nitrogen

Controlling internal recirculation of nitrate-containing water minimizes O₂ transfer and nitrogen concentration in the effluent.

Cost savings

Less aeration is required as a result of recovered O₂, and less external carbon is required as a result of efficient denitrification.

Enhanced performance

RTC-DN is a customizable solution that unlocks the full potential of your existing denitrification infrastructure.

Overall process health improvements

Experience improved acid capacity (alkalinity), reduced risk of COD breach, and minimized nitrogen-forming denitrification in the final clarifier.
