RTC-ALK Software Module

RTC-ALK Software Module

Product Number: LXZ514 (A)

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Does low pH sometimes inhibit your sludge sedimentation process?

If your biological wastewater treatment routinely underperforms on nitrification, coagulation and/or flocculation, an overly acidic activated sludge environment may be the culprit. You may already dose lime or chalk to maintain carbonate balance, but are you sure you’re achieving the right alkalinity in all flow, temperature and aerated conditions?

Hach’s RTC-ALK Software adjusts the alkalinity of activated sludge to a desired level by adding lime or chalk to the treatment process. The controller can act as a feedback (preferred) or feed forward controller based on an alkalinity measurement and effluent/influent aeration. Combined with RTC-N or RTC-P, RTC-ALK can compensate for the loss of alkalinity caused by the nitrification/denitrification process or the addition of precipitant. Although RTC-ALK is a standardized solution, it includes built-in flexibility to consider varying inflow conditions—including flow, optional pH, conductivity, and/or temperature—and react accordingly.

Claros Process Management solutions for sludge management like RTC-ALK are designed to make the most of your plant’s real-world conditions by transforming every uncertainty into an opportunity for measurement, responsive action, and savings.


Improved biological health

Autotrophic organisms are highly sensitive to acidic conditions.; increasing the pH of their environment promotes better nitrification, coagulation and flocculation.

Increased visibility

Understand your system’s real-time performance with a glance at the dashboard, or delve into the factors that affect your return activated sludge process by generating a historical report.
