Reagent, DPD total chlorine, test 'n tube vials, pk/50

Reagent, DPD total chlorine, test 'n tube vials, pk/50

Product Number: 2105645


Safety Information (GHS)

  • Caution

For total chlorine determination by the DPD Method. Test 'N Tube Reagent Vials contain pre-measured DPD reagent. Range: 0.09 - 5.00 mg/L as Cl2. Sample Size: 10 mL Pack of 50 vials.


  • Groundwater
  • Municipal Water
  • Surface Water


Test 'N Tube products provide safe, convenient testing

Capped 16-mm vials provide a self-contained package for mixing and measurement.

Easy ordering

All necessary reagents and vials are contained in the package.

Boric Acid free!
