EZ6001 Total Dissolved Arsenic Analyser As(III+V)

EZ6001 Total Dissolved Arsenic Analyser As(III+V)

Product Number: EZ6001.XXXXXXXX


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Trace metal analysis of Total Dissolved Arsenic As(III+V) in water by online voltammetry

About the 6000 Series
The EZ6000 Series of Online Trace Metal Analysers are based on the technology of stripping voltammetry, a sensitive analytical technique that can be automated for the determination of trace levels of metals in water. For many metals the EZ6000 Series boasts limits of quantification in the low ppb range, comparing the technique favorably with AAS or ICP analysis.

Single, multiple and total parameter configurations
Several product sublines with a wealth of combinations are available for determination of trace metals, including the standard single parameter and multi-parameter configurations without digestion. Measurement of complexed or adsorbed metals is possible by means of the configurations with built-in digester. Combinations of metals depend on the choice of working electrode and the priority metals for your application.

Advanced features
The EZ6000 Series build upon tried and tested voltammetry technology used in many clean water applications, in an industrial mainframe with the following prime features:
- Excellent selectivity and sensitivity
- Built-in sample digestion unit (hot acid or UV)
- Smart automatic features
- Standard 4 - 20 mA signal output with alarm processing
- Communication ports supporting connectivity to Modbus
- Higher measuring ranges: internal sample dilution
- Multiple stream analysis

There are many additional options available. Please contact Hach for more details.


  • Municipal Water