Test kit, total chlorine, model CN-DT, 20-2000 mg/L

Test kit, total chlorine, model CN-DT, 20-2000 mg/L

Product Number: 2471100


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Safety Information (GHS)

  • Corrosive
  • Caution
  • Longer term health hazards

The most widely used disinfectant for drinking water, chlorine is also important for sanitizing swimming pools, cooling towers, other industrial equipment, and in the treatment of municipal wastewater. Its measurement and control are vital for both safety and economic reasons. Kit utilizes the Hach Digital Titrator and contains 100 tests.


Hach Digital Titrator offers higher levels of precision and accuracy than drop count procedures, with reproducibility comparable to a buret titration

Rugged titration device is ideal for field use, with no glass burets required

Kit contains all required reagents and apparatus to perform analysis in the field

