AP3900 Multi laboratory robot standard configuration

AP3900 Multi laboratory robot standard configuration

Product Number: SMAP3900-MULTI

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Laboratory robot for fully automated water analysis

Laboratory robot for water analysis including sample preparation. Modular concept. Basic version contains COD, total P, total N, Ammonium, Nitrate and Nitrite.
This unique product processes the critical parameters of COD, total P and total N in parallel using our well established, pre-programmed cuvette tests. The control software ensures the optimal sequence for processing all samples to minimise total time to results through sample preparation, digestion of complex samples, waiting times and measurement. Additional samples can be added at any time, even when the sequence is running and the current status of the analysis is accessible any time with a simple mouse click. Rapid yet simple even untrained users are able to enter all necessary information to the system due to the easy-to-use software.


  • Municipal Water


Saves time and costs

Increases productivity and flexibility

Highest precision and accuracy due to automated procedures

Parallel execution of different samples and methods

Reliable by complete traceability of results

