Meet our experts at WWEM

September 29, 2022

Hach are excited to be part of WWEM on 12th & 13th October at the Telford International Centre, UK.

Meet our experts at Stand J4 to discuss your water and wastewater analysis challenges and solutions.

The particular focus this year is energy and process emissions reduction, as well as possibilities for CAPEX avoidance. Our presentation in the Digital Theatre may be of interest to you in relation to your 2030 Net Zero objectives.

There is also an opportunity to learn how Hach helps water companies achieve their Water industry National Environment Programme (WINEP) objectives & maintain compliance. Explore monitoring solutions available for Ammonia & Phosphorus in the Learning Zone.

Also see our latest innovations, such as the EZ VFA + Alkalinity online analyser & the NT3200sc nitrate + nitrite UV online probe. 

Hach will be involved in the following sessions:

This Conference & Exhibition is completely FREE to attend, Register here.

Meet our experts at WWEM

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