How Hach Helped the Welsh Epidemiology Surveillance Programme

June 24, 2022

How Hach Helped the Welsh Epidemiology Surveillance Programme

Wastewater monitoring as an early warning tool

In May 2020, as part of a coordinated response to the Covid-19 pandemic the Welsh Government began testing SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater. The wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) surveillance programme now includes the monitoring 47 WwTWs sites covering circa 80% of the Welsh population.

The programme involves taking 24-hour average composite samples, 5 days a week using automatic samplers positioned on the inlet of these treatment works. The Bühler 4010 autosamplers was delivered by Hach who also provided training on site for the many sampling units.

The future - early warning tool

The WBE sampling and testing has allowed the development of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) assays to provide rapid identification of mutations associated with SARS-CoV-2. These assays have assisted greatly with Covid-19 monitoring and have become an invaluable early warning tool to identify peaks in demand for local hospitals.

Access to permanent autosampler installations across the Welsh wastewater network has allowed new research to take place, with regular testing for other public health indicators such Enterovirus, Norovirus & Influenza, as well as Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) surveillance.

The full story can be seen in the Institute of Water Magazine summer edition, but can also be downloaded below.

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How Hach helped the Welsh epidemiology surveillance programme

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