Intellical MTC695 Double Platinum Electrode for AT/KF1000 RedOx Titrations

Intellical MTC695 Double Platinum Electrode for AT/KF1000 RedOx Titrations
Product #: MTC69501
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Application Notes Type Language Size Date Edition
Electrochemistry Theory and Practice
  English US 3 MB 2018-12 Ed3
Standardised Lab Equipment: Improving Quality Control for Chemical Production with the Hach Lab Family
  English UK 271 KB 2018-09 Mar18
Brochures Type Language Size Date Edition
Complete Water Analysis Solutions for Power and Steam Generation
  English UK 964 KB 2024-04 Jan24
Complete Water Analysis Solutions for the Food Industry
  English UK 1 MB 2016-06 Mar16
Introduction to Hach Services
  English UK 338 KB 2021-10 Jun21
The best solution for accurate results in all applications - HQD meters and high performance pH electrodes
  English US 414 KB 2021-07 May21
Guides Type Language Size Date Edition
Hach Laboratory Quick Guide for Power Applications
  English UK 224 KB 2015-08 Nov15
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Basic User Manual: MTC695
  Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Italian, Polish, Danish, Dutch, English UK, Estonian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish 674 KB 2014-08 Ed2
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Bromine number in petroleum products, Based on ASTM D1159-07(2012), Potentiometry with Imposed Current: Forward Titration
  English UK 281 KB 2015-03