Claros Process Management Solutions

Optimization Solutions that Minimize Risk

Continuous process management solutions allow you to manage your treatment processes in real time, keeping your facility compliant while ensuring efficient plant operation 24/7. Managing your process has never been so straightforward.

The power of Hach’s RTC software is now embedded in the SC4500 controller. Take advantage of the potential energy, chemical and labor savings, from a simple and environmentally friendly solution

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Which Processes Are You Looking to Improve?

BOD/COD Removal

Based on real-time data like those for flow, TOC, DO and MLSS, Claros Process Management systems continuously monitor the actual inflow load and plant conditions. Using those evaluations, dynamic set points, including those for dosing of external nutrient sources, aeration intensity and sludge retention time, are calculated to safeguard compliance and ensure efficient plant operation 24/7.

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Nitrification / Denitrification

Claros Process Management systems continuously monitor the actual inflow load and plant performance and specifically look at real-time data for flow, NH4-N, NH3-N, DO and MLSS. Using those evaluations, dynamic set points, including those for DO concentrations, aeration intensity, internal recirculation, anoxic time or sludge retention time, are calculated to safeguard compliance and ensure efficient plant operation 24/7.

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Phosphorus Removal

Actual inflow load, orthophosphate or total phosphorous, as well as plant performance, are monitored and evaluated in real time with Claros Process Management systems. Then, using those evaluations, dynamic set points -- including precipitant dosing rates at any point in the plant – are calculated to safeguard compliance and to ensure efficient plant operation 24/7.

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Sludge Management

The cost of sludge treatment in wastewater is influenced by the concentration of thickened, floated or dewatered sludge, as well as by the usage of polymer and coagulant. Based on real-time data for TSS and feed flow, Claros Process Management Systems continuously monitor the actual inflow load and process performance. Using those evaluations, dynamic set points -- including those for chemical dosing rates – are calculated to safeguard compliance and ensure efficient plant operation 24/7.

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Wastewater Disinfection

The Hach® wastewater disinfection process management module simplifies the management of your chlorination and dechlorination processes and maximizes performance through real-time measurements and chemical dosing control. The result is optimized chemical usage, real-time process visibility, increased operator safety and consistent effluent quality.

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Source Water Pretreatment

Using machine learning, input of raw water parameters and historical data, Hach’s Claros Process Management system for Coagulation determines the right coagulant dosing strategy to remove solids and natural organic matter, while the system for pre-oxidation determines the right oxidation strategy to ensure proper iron and manganese removal. In both cases, the software is designed to mimic your current operation and provide real-time visibility, consistent results, time savings and chemical optimization.

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BOD/COD Removal

Are You Looking to Reduce Your Aeration Energy Costs Without Threatening Compliance?

Nutrient Dosing - (RTC-C/N/P)

Having the correct C/N/P balance is critical for biological wastewater treatment. Hach’s RTC C/N/P system optimizes the dosing of nutrients like urea and phosphoric acid in industrial wastewater treatment plants, ensuring compliance on COD / BOD, NH4 and PO4. Cost for effluent discharges and on chemicals added are driven to an absolute minimum.

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Sludge Retention Time - (RTC-SRT)

A correct Sludge Retention Time and Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids level in the aeration basin is fundamental for compliance and energy efficient treatment. Hach’s RTC-SRT system automatically adjusts the waste activated sludge to provide the ideal SRT and MLSS concentration ensuring stable BOD/COD removal and avoiding undesired Nitrification.

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Most Open Valve DO Control - (RTC-MOV)

Energy efficient aeration systems (blowers and valves) provide and distribute the process air at a minimum air pressure in the manifold and a minimum pressure loss across the air valves. The Hach RTC-MOV system controls the DO concentration in up to 16 different zones by providing set points for the corresponding air valve positions and for the manifold pressure (or airflow). The result is reduced costs and maximum available process air where it is needed most.

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Do You Have Compliance Concerns Around Ammonium or Total Nitrogen Treatment?

Nitrification & Denitrification through On/Off Control - (RTC-N/DN)

Meeting Total Nitrogen (TN) limits in the effluent of intermittent operated plants can be very challenging. Varying inflow conditions can hardly be managed with fixed time periods for nitrification and denitrification. The RTC-N/DN system determines optimal times for nitrification and denitrification based on the continuous measurement of NH4-N and NO3-N. Through this, Nitrogen elimination is maximized while aeration energy is minimized.

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Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)


Meeting Total Nitrogen (TN) limits in the effluent of intermittent-operated plants can be very challenging. Varying inflow conditions can hardly be managed with fixed time periods for nitrification and denitrification. The RTC-N/DNSBR system, designed for intermittent operated sequencing batch reactors, determines optimal times for nitrification and denitrification based on the continuous measurement of NH4-N and NH3-N. Through this, Nitrogen elimination is maximized while aeration energy is minimized.

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Simultaneous Nitrification/Denitrification - (RTC-SND)

Meeting Total Nitrogen (TN) limits in the effluent of plants utilizing simultaneous nitrification can be very challenging. Varying inflow conditions can hardly be managed with fixed volumes for nitrification and denitrification. The RTC-SND system determines the optimal aerobic and anoxic volume based on the continuous measurement NH4-N and NH3-N. Through this, Nitrogen elimination is maximized while aeration energy is minimized.

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Nitrification -  (RTC-N)

Meeting the NH4-N limits in the effluent of a nitrifying plant with plug flow reactors can be very challenging. Varying inflow conditions can hardly be managed with a fixed DO concentration in the aeration tank. Based on the measured NH4-N inflow load and NH4-N effluent concentration the N-RTC calculates DO setpoints ensuring immediately reaction on inflow load changes and precise control of the NH4-N effluent concentration to a desired setpoint. Through this, compliance on NH4-N is ensured while aeration energy is minimized.

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Most Open Valve DO Control - (RTC-MOV)

Energy efficient aeration systems (blowers and valves) provide and distribute the process air at a minimum air pressure in the manifold and a minimum pressure loss across the air valves. The Hach RTC-MOV system controls the DO concentration in up to 16 different zones by providing set points for the corresponding air valve positions and for the manifold pressure (or airflow). The result is reduced costs and maximum available process air where it is needed most.

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Denitrification - (RTC-DN)

Meeting Total Nitrogen (TN) limits in the effluent of wastewater treatment plants requires the best usage of the available denitrification capacity. For plants with internal recirculation this means only a minimum of DO has to be carried over from the nitrification to the denitrification zone. This can hardly be achieved with a fixed or inflow proportional internal recirculation flow rate. Designed for plants with internal recirculation the RTC-DN system ensures that the available denitrification capacity is utilized by controlling the NH3-N concentration effluent denitrification or effluent aeration to a desired setpoint. If required, dosing of external carbon sources can also be controlled to support denitrification. Through this, compliance on TN can be supported while potential costs for external carbon are minimized.

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Denitrification - Swing Zone - (RTC-SZ)

The swing zone controller works in conjunction with the RTC-N to provide maximum available DN volume. Then, the plant load allows nitrification volume to be safely reduced. Zone 1 of an aeration lane can be reliably switched to anoxic, greatly increasing the denitrification potential of a plant. Alternatively, this can be used to introduce/extend a selector zone into plants to help improve sludge settleability.

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Sludge Retention Time - (RTC-SRT)

A correct Sludge Retention Time and MLSS level in the aeration basin are fundamental for compliance and energy efficient treatment. Hach’s RTC-SRT system automatically adjusts the waste-activated sludge to provide the ideal SRT and MLSS concentration, thus ensuring stable Nitrification all year around.

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Phosphorus Removal

Do You Struggle at Times with Biological Phosphorus Removal (Bio-P)?

PO4-P Precipitation - (RTC-P)

Meeting the Total Phosphorus (TP) limit in the effluent of plants with chemical PO4-P elimination can be very challenging. Varying inflow loads can hardly be managed with a fixed dosing rate of precipitant. Based on the measured PO4-P, the RTC-P system calculates a setpoint for the precipitant dosing rate, ensuring fast reaction on inflow changes and precise control of the PO4-P concentration to a desired setpoint. Through this, compliance on TP is supported while cost on precipitant and the amount of precipitation sludge is minimized.

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Sludge Management

Are You Satisfied with the Capture Rate of Your Thickening or Dewatering Process?

Sludge Thickening - (RTC-ST)

High gas yield in anaerobic sludge digestion, consistent thickened/dewatered sludge and low operating costs are core objectives in sludge thickening. This can be achieved with the RTC-ST system which manages Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in thickened sludge and filtrate by adjusting polymer dosing.

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Sludge Dewatering - (RTC-SD)

Low cost for sludge disposal, minimum negative impact on returns and low polymer consumption are core objectives in sludge dewatering. The RTC-SD system can achieve this by managing Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in thickened sludge and centrate by adjusting polymer dosing.

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Dissolved Air Flotation - (RTC-DAF)

High Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration in the sludge and low TOC/TSS concentration in treated effluent are core objectives in Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF). This can be achieved with the RTC-DAF system which controls TSS in the thickened sludge and discharge effluent by correctly adjusting pH, coagulant and polymer dosing.

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Wastewater Disinfection

Are You Wasting Resources on Wastewater Chlorination or Dechlorination?

Chlorination/Dechlorination - (RTC-C/DC)

RTC-C/DC can optimize chemical use while meeting your target effluent water quality, avoiding both over-dosing and under-dosing of chlorination and dechlorination chemicals. Real-time control improves your performance allowing for reduced chemical usage and helps you realize the full treatment capacity of your plant.

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Source Water Pretreatment

Want to Optimize Your Source Water Coagulation and/or Pre-oxidation Processes?

Coagulation - (RTC-COAG)

RTC-COAG can optimize chemical use while meeting your target finished water quality, avoiding both over-dosing and under-dosing of coagulant. Real-time control improves your performance allowing for reduced chemical usage and helps you realize the full treatment capacity of your plant.

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Preoxidation - (RTC-PREOX)

The Hach RTC-PREOX module simplifies the management of your pre-oxidation processes and maximizes performance through real-time measurements and chemical dosing control, providing peace of mind and allowing you and your team to focus more time and energy on high-value tasks that matter most.

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