Claros Release Notes

Release Notes

Check this page for a full list of software releases, upgrades and technical specifications for Claros, the Water Intelligence System from Hach.

Claros Software Releases

Claros Instrument Management

Remove access to the Collect web app from Claros

The Collect product and related functionality are no longer available and have been removed from Claros. This includes the Collect web application and access to Collect graphs and spreadsheets within Mobile Sensor Management (MSM). The Collect mobile app for IOS and Android have also been retired and are no longer available for download or update from the App stores. Mobile users are no longer able to login using the Collect mobile app.

Use the MSM Graphing widget available on MSM dashboards to plot measurement data and use the Historical Data Download page available on the Device Details page to download data for analysis using your favorite spreadsheet software.

Graph historical data for 7-day and 31-day periods

MSM users can now create MSM graphs covering 7-day and 31-day time periods by selecting the 7-day or 31-day date range and a 15-minute data set. These new options are available on the Configure Graph widget screen.

Users can also zoom in on a specific area on a graph by mousing down and dragging the cursor over the desired area of a graph. Data tags containing detailed measurement information will only be displayed when the user zooms into a time period less than three days in length.

Claros Instrument Integration:

The FP360 sc sensor is now integrated with MSM.

The integration of the FP360 sc with MSM will provide immediate access to FP360 sc sensor data and allow for the remote maintenance of the sensor.

Capabilities include:

  • Auto-Provisioning/De-provisioning
  • Graphing of measurements
  • Error and Warning messages
  • Access to onboard sensor menu
  • Historical data export
  • Firmware updates
  • Email and in-app notifications