Nutrient Monitoring Systems

Nutrient Monitoring Systems
for Long-Term Water Health

Gain Water Quality Insights with Continuous Nutrient Monitoring

Continuous nutrient monitoring brings excellent visibility to diurnal load and flow changes as well as seasonal treatment challenges. Whether you need to determine what to measure or find the equipment that’s best for your nutrient monitoring process, Hach® has answers.


Measuring phosphates in wastewater effluent is critical to water quality monitoring and protecting freshwater ecosystems. Many areas have strict discharge limits for phosphates to protect the ecosystems that receive this water.

Protect ecosystems, avoid violations, fines and control erosion with phosphate monitoring solutions from Hach. Our Real Time Control (RTC) nutrient monitoring systems adjusts treatment processes in real-time to optimize chemical phosphorus removal, nitrification and nitrogen elimination and even sludge thickening and dewatering.

Top down view of water treatment tank


Phosphorus appears in wastewater in many forms including as orthophosphates, which are reactive. Orthophosphates can be measured in real time and provide insight into total phosphorus.


Total Phosphorus

Measuring total phosphorus is key to compliance with standards set by governing bodies like the EPA and European Commission.

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Monitoring for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, organic nitrogen and total nitrogen in real-time provides key loading and fast process information to help predict issues early and maintain compliance.

Optimizing treatment for various forms of nitrogen is key for effluent compliance and biological treatment process control.

Nitrate and Nitrite

Nitrate & Nitrite

Nitrate and nitrite pose challenges when trying to maintain effluent total nitrogen limits. Understanding the concentrations of each individually or combined can provide insights into disinfection issues, biological phosphorus problems and increased effluent TSS or turbidity. When concentrations are adequately monitored and managed, nitrite and nitrate play an important role in many industrial and municipal water quality monitoring programs.

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Maintaining smooth and consistent nitrification for aerobic removal of ammonia can be rocky when conditions are constantly changing. Influent ammonia and flow changes can happen by the minute and manual adjustments can leave the process unstable. Understanding the changing factors that affect nitrification and proactively making changes is key to keeping a stable process and being one step ahead of issues.

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Total Nitrogen

Total Nitrogen & Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen

Nitrogen exists in the environment in many forms and changes forms as it moves through the nitrogen cycle. A variety of methods can be used to test the different forms of nitrogen.

Influent total nitrogen monitoring is an excellent way to gain real time information on nitrogen load concentrations coming to the plant diurnally and seasonally. Understanding when loads change can help identify treatment inconsistency and potential process optimization, particularly when paired with process and effluent online monitoring.

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Best in Class Solutions and Learnings

NH6000sc ammonia analyzer

NH6000sc Ammonium Analyzer

We spent years innovating the best-in-class ammonium analyzer (you know as Amtax) to function with the ease you want and the accuracy you need. Introducing the lower maintenance NH6000sc with a lightweight, integrated FX6 filtration system option.

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Real Time Controls

Real Time Controls (RTC)

Hach’s RTC solutions are complete off-the-shelf systems that adjust treatment processes in real time.

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BioTector B7000

BioTector B7000

Hach’s BioTector® B7000 Analyzer is a great solution for monitoring changing nitrogen, phosphorus and organic loading to the treatment plant.

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Hach’s technology courses are building blocks for water quality professionals interested in expanding their expertise and proficiency in water quality analysis.

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